Use "was had|be have" in a sentence

1. The implication was you had to have your own world, you had to be self-sufficient in that way.

2. It was unlike her to be so taciturn - she must have had something on her mind.

3. Boundary walls have had to be shored up.

4. When I was seven I had to have an operation.

5. He must have had some inkling of what was happening.

6. The scroll we had was proving to be helpful.

7. Plans to expand the company have had to be quietly shelved.

8. We'd have pitched on you, had yon happened to be here.

9. If western critics can be said to have had a unifying credo, then this was the constant stress on artistic freedom.

10. I had to have Christened god parents when ds was baptised

11. It was a difficult birth : she had to have a Caesarean.

12. That would have shown the object to be far older than it really was, if the dodge had not been detected.

13. Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.

14. Food had to be rationed when the war was on.

15. What had to be watched therefore was the perpetuity rule.

16. The madman was violent and had to be locked up.

17. But there was no large wet blanket to be had.

18. Have you had any such experiences that would be appropriate to share?

19. 13 He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!

20. He had syphilis and was known to have ‘gone out’ with foreigners.

21. She was not as disconcerted as she had expected to be.

22. 14 Mellors was preaching heresy and had to be immediately defrocked.

23. She was a volunteer, she hadn't had to be press-ganged.

24. It was the consul, of course, who had to be willing.

25. She was reputed to have had many lovers, and Nessim was regarded as a mari Complaisant .

26. If babies had a universal trait, it would have to be their Babbling

27. Originally there was no balcony, and this had to be added.

28. She was born with several genetic mutations, had to be bottle-fed, and had difficulty being adopted.

29. The next time he was found drunk and disorderly he'd have had it.

30. Jessup and me may have had our tussles, but he was my cousin.

31. That means Zoom had to have known somehow that Linda was your ex.

32. Arioso was the most superb dining experience I have EVER HAD!!!!! I was there in June,19

33. Because there was some interesting things you had to do to figure out how to make balloons possible, they didn't have to be tethered.

34. It was a “test” that had to be accepted by the poor.

35. 5 These decisions have had to be taken against a background of high unemployment.

36. She had to be induced because the baby was four weeks late.

37. She was taken violently ill and had to be put to bed.

38. It had to be admitted that there was plenty for the voters to be disgruntled about.

39. The carpets had to be taken up when the house was rewired.

40. It was as though he had an inkling who it would be.

41. They had no families, and it was irrefutable that elders should be surrounded by those they had raised.

42. If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.

43. We knew if it was myelitis, there had to be an " - itis. "

44. I have a condom in my wallet that I've had since I was 12.

45. When I was filmed wearing a bikini, it had to have two lower halves.

46. There had to be an answer— he was sure he could tease it out if only he had time.

47. 15 It had to be admitted that there was plenty for the voters to be disgruntled about.

48. This period can be even more challenging for mothers who have had a Cesarean delivery

49. I have 98 Audi A4 1.8QT MT, both my front Axels had to be replaced

50. He was eventually found out and had to be disfellowshipped from the congregation.

51. The court had heard Mrs Fitchew's travel agency business had failed and her home was about to be repossessed.

52. Her little boy was sick, and she just had to be near him.

53. I had no idea it was in him to be so airily brisk.

54. She knew Heavenly Father was pleased that she had chosen to be honest.

55. She had thought her birthday was going to be fairly quiet and uneventful.

56. As it was raining hard we had to have supper at the road-side restaurant, which, was Hobson's choice.

57. Have you ever had a pimple on your penis? Have you ever had gonorrhea?

58. What courage Mrs Saulitis had! How lucky Parslina was to have a protector like her!

59. Am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, had are called Primary Auxiliaries.

60. It Reverently speaking, God could have used a daffodil, if that was all Samson had.

61. When Cardinal Spellman was presiding, he had such difficulty making himself understood that he had to have some one speak for him.

62. Patients known to have, or suspected to have, achlorhydria or who have had surgery that bypasses or excludes the duodenum must not be prescribed doxycycline

63. He was loud and self-confident, but he had a right to be: he had a knack for picking winners.

64. Would you be all right if you were me and you had to have a cotillion?

65. I shouldn't have thought Mrs. Craddock had much to be proud of now, at all events.

66. However, because the measurements had to be made ad hoc, they could not have been representative.

67. Auntie Lai, you should be on your way now after you have had a good meal.

68. I had to be a gentleman, even if I didn't have a sou in my pocket.

69. Only plaice was familiar to him, so he supposed it had better be that.

70. 4 Lucy was a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right.

71. The man was declared infectious and his clothes and bed had to be fumigated.

72. Bet he had to be substituted towards the end as he was so gutted.

73. The old painting was damaged in the flood and had to be painstakingly restored.

74. The accumulator was very heavy and had to be charged about once a month.

75. In order for digested blood to be in her intestines, she had to have internal bleeding.

76. With the graphics, everything had to be adapted, there was no stone left unturned.

77. The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman.

78. One onlooker had to be restrained by police as Mrs Wignall was led away.

79. This had serious drawbacks, however; it complicated the construction process, and if the armored belt was damaged, the external plating would have to be cut away first before the belt could be repaired.

80. This was the first time I had ever seen a panda, and as luck would have it, I had my camera with me.